Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
In the model prayer, why wasn't God name used ?
by nojw86 inwhen jesus taught his followers how to pray why wasnt the name of god used in the model prayer.
our father in the heavens, let your name be sancitied.
with so many people and religions in the world how many would have known the name of god if it were used in that popular prayer.
Coded Logic
That's a good zinger. I'm going to have to remember this one. -
First law of thermodynamics vs God vs Big Bang
by EndofMysteries infirst law of thermodynamics, that energy cannot be created or destroyed but changed from one form to another.
how does that fit in with god and the big bang to you?
does it make one make more sense then the other to you?
Coded Logic
It disturbs me very much trying to understand it.. Correct my thinking..
Something to consider but ultimately the conclusion is personal
- FishermanIn the absence of evidence we shouldn't draw conclusions. When we don't know the answer to something the correct response is, "I don't know." And the problem is you're seeking a answer to a question we don't yet have the answer to. One of the hallmarks of disciplined mind is the ability to handle uncertainty well.
If you genuinely want to correct your thinking, I recommend the following exercise: For the next day or two, online and in real life, I want you to start using the phrase, "I don't know" as much as reasonably possible. With different people when you're asked a question you don't really know the answer to - or even questions you do know the answer to but can get away with feigning ignorance - say, "I don't know" and leave it there. Don't qualify the statement. Don't add anything else. Just say "I don't know" and then full stop.
I know it sounds like a simple task but trust me when I say it's an incredibly informative experience. And it's more than a bit liberating too. JWs are taught they know the answer to everything. It takes a while to deprogram such a deeply ingrained belief/need.
The Organization is destined to fade away
by suavojr inthe borg might not fall and disappear, but it's sure heading into the oblivion.
they predicted their future in last week's study.. last week during the cong book study they mentioned the following:.
15. to illustrate: a supertanker or a freight train might be awesome in terms of size and power.
Coded Logic
I don't think most JWs are as loyal as many think. Lots of JWs have egos the size of small planets. They're sincere - sure - but arrogant as hell. And as soon as the Society offends their sensibilities (yes, some JWs do have sensibilities) I don't think most JWs would stick around.
The KH has become a social club. It's no longer a homogenous group of fundamental believers. And as soon as the "cool kids" start leaving - so too will the groupies.
For Sale: Magic Sandwich
by Coded Logic ini am happy to report to everyone on this site that i have discovered a magic sandwichtm that cures cancer.
for a small one-time payment of your entire life of thursday nights, sunday afternoons, and recruitment work on saturday mornings - it can be yours!
for your peace of mind, i have provided answers to some commonly asked questions:.
Coded Logic
Dear OrphanCrow,
Thank you for your inquiry. We are constantly striving to refine the Magic Sandwich which includes the bread. Of course, the ingredients never change . . . they just get tastier and tastier. Some consider our switch from barley to wheat to be a "change" but it's really just new taste.
Please provide your name and address and we will schedule for a pair of Ordained Sandwich Makers (and a pre-teen child that got stuck in the car group) to come by your house to tell you how bad everything is in your life and invite you to try a bite of our Magic Sandwich.
The Great Bread (GB)
PS: Do not speak to any former Magic Sandwich partakers. They will try to corrupt your mind with the three great evils (facts, reason, and evidence). Also, don't read about us online. And DEFINITELY don't watch any videos on Youtube about us.
Coded Logic
My head is about to explode!!! THIS is in a Kingdom Hall??????
WOW . . . Wow . . . wow
Well, I guess it's about time they started going mainstream.
I guess I just never thought they'd turn into Pentecostals.
For Sale: Magic Sandwich
by Coded Logic ini am happy to report to everyone on this site that i have discovered a magic sandwichtm that cures cancer.
for a small one-time payment of your entire life of thursday nights, sunday afternoons, and recruitment work on saturday mornings - it can be yours!
for your peace of mind, i have provided answers to some commonly asked questions:.
Coded Logic
I am happy to report to everyone on this site that I have discovered a Magic Sandwich™ that cures cancer. For a small one-time payment of your entire life of Thursday nights, Sunday afternoons, and recruitment work on Saturday mornings - it can be yours! For your peace of mind, I have provided answers to some commonly asked questions:
Q: Does your Magic Sandwich™ actually cure cancer?
A: Yes! I have several friends who have tried my Magic Sandwich and none of them have cancer. And they all say the Magic Sandwich is absolutely the best thing ever!
Q: Has the FDA approved your Magic Sandwich™ for the treatment of cancer?
A: The Magic Sandwich goes far beyond anything modern medicine can do. It doesn't just treat symptoms - it actually provides a cure! The FDA simply is not qualified to approve it. Think about that for a moment, a cure so powerful it goes beyond the authority of any earthly government! Isn't that great?
Q: What scientific research has been done on the Magic Sandwich™?
A: The Magic Sandwich is entirely consistent with science. Even so, science doesn't know everything. And the Magic Sandwich is proof of that. Science can only investigate the natural world. But the Magic Sandwich is truly a supernatural wonder!
Q: What if I don't have cancer?
A: There are many kinds of cancer that are undetectable. And many people find out they have cancer when its too late. But the Magic Sandwich cures every kind of cancer - even the ones we don't know about. Isn't that a truly loving arrangement provided by the Magic Sandwich?
Q: Why doesn't everyone know about your Magic Sandwich™?
A: Because most people in the world are too haughty and caught up in themselves. It is so heart breaking, millions of wicked people die every year because they are too proud to accept the gift of the Magic Sandwich.
Q: I have some friends who tried the Magic Sandwich™ but they still got cancer.
A: Sadly, some do not follow the appropriate prescription of the Magic Sandwich and end up with cancer. Only by being a loyal eater of the Magic Sandwich can you hope to remain cancer free.
Q: How do we know you're not just a Charlatan out to make a buck?
A: Is that really a chance you willing to take? Many have put off action because they were indecisive about the Magic Sandwich. And sadly, far too many of them have paid the price with their lives. Don't be like them, start making preparations to get your Magic Sandwich today!
Q: How do I get my Magic Sandwich™?
A: An Ordained Sandwich Maker* will swing by your house in the morning and make you one.
*All our Ordained Sandwich Makers are fully qualified to make Magic Sandwiches. Just because they don't know how it works, where it comes from, who's in marketing it, or really just anything about the Magic Sandwich - doesn't mean they're not perfectly qualified. Only arrogant and mentally diseased individuals would question the abilities of our honest hearted Sandwich Makers.
Self assembly chairs & evolution
by suavojr ini'm no expert and do not claim to be in regards to how evolution works but this small test did make think how all things are related and have evolved from one common ancestor.
the horrible example that i grew up hearing about a watch not being able to assemble itself or plane after a tornado, etc... dawkins would say, "well of course not" but mit seems to be on the path to make us think twice.
Coded Logic
Cool concept. But this is a very - very - poor analog for evolution. Evolution doesn't have an "endgame." -
First law of thermodynamics vs God vs Big Bang
by EndofMysteries infirst law of thermodynamics, that energy cannot be created or destroyed but changed from one form to another.
how does that fit in with god and the big bang to you?
does it make one make more sense then the other to you?
Coded Logic
they have come up with an experiment that will test whether we live in a holographic simulation
- MisterP
Umm, not quite. The Holometer can only falsify the holographic hypothesis. It can't verify it.
A good analogy for this would be if you were wondering if a coffee can had quarters in it. If you shook the coffee can and you didn't hear anything rattling around - you would know there were no quarters in the coffee can. However, if you did you hear something rattling around, you would only know that there was something in the coffee can. You wouldn't know it was quarters. The rattling could be pennies, dimes, nickels, nuts, bolts, keys, etc.
The same is true of the Holometer. If they don't detect fluctuations at the planck scale - then we will know the holographic universe is not real. But if we do detect fluctuations at the planck scale - then all their work is ahead of them. Because these fluctuations are also consistent with other competing hypothesis - like the Matrix degrees of freedom in M theory.
"Even if it turns out that the mysterious noise is the same at high frequencies as at the lower ones, this will not constitute proof for Hogan’s hypothesis (holographic universe). It would, however, provide a strong motivation for further study."
- Press Office: Max Planck Institute for Gravitation Physics -
"Scientist Discover Atheists Might Not Exist..." "This is not a Joke!"
by JWCart incrofty can you please break this article and main points down for the average individuals to understand, i found this article and thought of you, thought you might be interested in this topic too.
i don't fully understand it, can you please help us, you are our "resident expert" on this topic!
will you please break it down for us as to what it means and how it affects us brains?
Coded Logic
Wow, well this is going to be a bit embarrassing for you Abaither but it's actually you who are the one who's not "really" meditating. I know the bliss of you speak of. But that's a very superficial and surface level form of meditation. Real meditation goes much - much - deeper. You're like a novice chess player who just learned the Queens Gambit running around claiming to be a chess master. You've barely scratched the surface.
You claim that you've reached delta waves. How do you know this? Were you hooked up to an EEG at the time? If so, what were the circumstances?
First law of thermodynamics vs God vs Big Bang
by EndofMysteries infirst law of thermodynamics, that energy cannot be created or destroyed but changed from one form to another.
how does that fit in with god and the big bang to you?
does it make one make more sense then the other to you?
Coded Logic
Hey Fisherman,
1) define "nothing" in this matter.
"Nothing" is a lack of something.
Is it a concept or a value?
2) define "something" also as it applies to this substance.
"Something" are things which are measurable/demonstrable/verifiable/etc or that are in principle able to be measured/demonstrated/verified/etc.
Question: does 0 Eels = 0 Eggs
Yes, they are equal. If you put zero eels into a box and you put zero eggs into a box the two box's will be identical.
its change is always a "universe" or form having the same components (space time,energy, matter and different laws)
We don't know if "nothing" will always create a universe with space/time, energy, etc. There could be an infinite amount of combinations of different systems - some existing as other universes and others being things that would go well beyond our conception of what we would ever think to label as a "universe". This idea, once again, is the Multiverse. There could be infinite universes.
Or, the opposite could be true. Systems always seek to get to the lowest energy state possible. It's quite plausible that our universe is the only possible outcome of "nothing" because our universe is the process of any given system as it tries to reach zero entropy. Who knows.
And the truth is we don't yet know the origins of our universe. But, for the first time in human history, we are able to start asking the right questions.
This is one of my all time favorite videos. I think it does a great job of putting our knowledge about our universe into perspective. I think you'll really enjoy it.